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Extract data with specific color in PDF

Can Rossum extract data with specific color in PDF. For e.g. I only want to extract line items with Red fonts and ignore Blue, Black etc. Is there a way to do so with Rossum

Automatically rename files

Is it possible to create an extension script to automatically rename my files to a unique field value after confirmation? If so what would the general logic of that function look like? Thanks!

How can we send a copy of a processed document to another queue?

We have a scenario where the document is processed in one queue and the processed document should be copied to another without moving it from the primary queue. Can we re-route the document without re-processing (AI-engine) document?

How to change email ID in my Rossum account?

How to change email ID in my Rossum account?

API key to call Rossum API from webhooks

Hi, I don't see the attribute "rossum_authorization_token" in the webhook payload I receive, so here is my question: Is "rossum_authorization_token" passed only in some cases? In https://api.elis.rossum.ai/docs/#access-to-rossum-api, it is said that a "Rossum API key is passed to webhooks as a first-level attribute rossum_authorization_token within the webhook payload". However, I don't see this "rossum_authorization_token" in the payload that my webhook receives for "user_update" and "export" actions of "annotation_content" events (I did not check for other kind of events). I would like to make API calls in the "export" event using this key. Am I understanding the documentation incorrectly?

Can I add a line item (tuple value) when using validation operations?

This is a question related to https://api.elis.rossum.ai/docs/#endpoint-validate operations. It says that "value list[object] Added row data. List of objects, format of the object is the same as in Anotation Data. schema_id attribute is required, only value, position, page, validation_sources, hidden and options attributes may be set." However, I want to use it to insert/remove a line item, and those are tuple values, which don't have "value", but have category and children - is it possible to add those as well?

Get Image Back From Elis

Hi, I am trying to get an image back from Rossum. I want the image that Rossum processes when it turns my pdf to an image, to be able to use the position of the attributes that is sent back in the annotation data. Is there a way to get back this image? Thank you!

Unable to connect to SFTP with Export to SFTP Server extension

Hi, We are trying to upload the exported documents to an SFTP server. But we land to an error "HTTP error". We checked the credentials for the SFTP and it was correct and also the path was correct. Still we couldn't able to connect and upload the documents. Suggest us some solution for this issue.

Get Queue ID in Documents Endpoint

So when I make request to curl -H 'Authorization: token {token}' https://api.elis.rossum.ai/v1/documents I got result like: ``` { "pagination": { "total": 5, "total_pages": 1, "next": null, "previous": null }, "results": [ { "id": 123, "url": "https://api.elis.rossum.ai/v1/documents/1232", "s3_name": "123123123", "email": null, "mime_type": "application/pdf", "creator": null, "created_at": "2021-08-27T07:59:43.188876Z", "arrived_at": "2021-08-27T07:59:43.188876Z", "original_file_name": "Sample Invoice.pdf", "content": "https://api.elis.rossum.ai/v1/documents/123/content", "metadata": {}, "annotations": ["https://api.elis.rossum.ai/v1/annotations/123132"] } ] } ``` My question is how to get queue data for these document? I can resolve this by make request to email endpoint but 1) it's not efficient, 2) not every document has email data.

Rossum doesn't detect a certain line item

Hi! I've been trying out Rossum's free trial to extract invoice data from this sample invoice: https://pdfhost.io/v/Se73VSKw7_JohnDoe10132020pdf.pdf Its table includes 4 columns that I'm interested in extracting: description, price, quantity, and amount. The `children` of the association schema section is defined as, ``` { "rir_field_names": [ "table_column_description" ], "constraints": { "required": true }, "default_value": null, "category": "datapoint", "id": "item_description", "label": "Description", "type": "string" }, { "rir_field_names": [ "table_column_amount_base" ], "constraints": { "required": true }, "default_value": null, "category": "datapoint", "id": "item_amount_base", "label": "Price", "type": "number", "format": "# ##0" }, { "rir_field_names": [ "table_column_quantity" ], "constraints": { "required": true }, "default_value": null, "category": "datapoint", "id": "item_quantity", "label": "Quantity", "type": "number", "format": "#,##0.#" }, { "rir_field_names": [ "table_column_amount_total" ], "constraints": { "required": true }, "default_value": null, "category": "datapoint", "id": "item_amount_total", "label": "Amount", "type": "number", "format": "#,##0.#" } ``` However, Rossum doesn't seem to detect the price column (`table_column_amount_base`), [![https://i.imgur.com/CCU6fZM.png](https://i.imgur.com/CCU6fZM.png)](https://i.imgur.com/CCU6fZM.png) I've tried several things including changing its numeric format and its label (e.g. to "Price ($)" as it appears in the document), with no success. Any idea of what I'm doing wrong here?