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Get Queue ID in Documents Endpoint

So when I make request to curl -H 'Authorization: token {token}' https://api.elis.rossum.ai/v1/documents

I got result like:

	"pagination": { "total": 5, "total_pages": 1, "next": null, "previous": null },
	"results": [
			"id": 123,
			"url": "https://api.elis.rossum.ai/v1/documents/1232",
			"s3_name": "123123123",
			"email": null,
			"mime_type": "application/pdf",
			"creator": null,
			"created_at": "2021-08-27T07:59:43.188876Z",
			"arrived_at": "2021-08-27T07:59:43.188876Z",
			"original_file_name": "Sample Invoice.pdf",
			"content": "https://api.elis.rossum.ai/v1/documents/123/content",
			"metadata": {},
			"annotations": ["https://api.elis.rossum.ai/v1/annotations/123132"]

My question is how to get queue data for these document?
I can resolve this by make request to email endpoint but 1) it's not efficient, 2) not every document has email data.