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Get Queue ID in Documents Endpoint

So when I make request to curl -H 'Authorization: token {token}' https://api.elis.rossum.ai/v1/documents I got result like: ``` { "pagination": { "total": 5, "total_pages": 1, "next": null, "previous": null }, "results": [ { "id": 123, "url": "https://api.elis.rossum.ai/v1/documents/1232", "s3_name": "123123123", "email": null, "mime_type": "application/pdf", "creator": null, "created_at": "2021-08-27T07:59:43.188876Z", "arrived_at": "2021-08-27T07:59:43.188876Z", "original_file_name": "Sample Invoice.pdf", "content": "https://api.elis.rossum.ai/v1/documents/123/content", "metadata": {}, "annotations": ["https://api.elis.rossum.ai/v1/annotations/123132"] } ] } ``` My question is how to get queue data for these document? I can resolve this by make request to email endpoint but 1) it's not efficient, 2) not every document has email data.

Non pdf/img attachments of email

Hello, I am trying to implement webhook that can handle converting non pdf/img (EDI files) attachments to pdf. The problem for me is that informations about non pdf/img files are not included in the info send to the webhook. Is there a way that I can get info about those attached files ? Best, Tomas

Extract data from email body

Our invoices emailed to Rossum often contain a keyword/categorizer in the email body.. These are part of a set list including HEX200, TECH100, etc. Is there a way to extract this as an additional capture field in rossum? Thanks, Charlie

API key to call Rossum API from webhooks

Hi, I don't see the attribute "rossum_authorization_token" in the webhook payload I receive, so here is my question: Is "rossum_authorization_token" passed only in some cases? In https://api.elis.rossum.ai/docs/#access-to-rossum-api, it is said that a "Rossum API key is passed to webhooks as a first-level attribute rossum_authorization_token within the webhook payload". However, I don't see this "rossum_authorization_token" in the payload that my webhook receives for "user_update" and "export" actions of "annotation_content" events (I did not check for other kind of events). I would like to make API calls in the "export" event using this key. Am I understanding the documentation incorrectly?

Rossum stopped working in iFrame

We display the Rossum interface in an iFrame as part of a larger web app. Today, we started to receive this when calling the app. "embedded.elis.rossum.ai refused to connect." dev tools shows Refused to display 'https://embedded.elis.rossum.ai/' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'. Has Rossum changed the way they allow their app to be displayed in the browser??? How do we set it back, currently all environments including production are down because of it.

Change Schema ID but Preserve Data

Is it possible to rename the schema id for a field without losing the already-trained data? For example, if I had a field with a schema id of "po_number" and I wanted to rename it to just be "po". The API documentation says "In order to transfer annotation field values properly during the schema update, a datapoint's category and schema_id must be preserved." so it looks like the answer is "no". Is this correct?

Delete annotation from serverless function

I'm using a serverless function to manipulate data that is retrieved from a document. In some circumstances, I want certain fields to remain blank. Currently, I am using a replace operation to delete the data. However, the annotation itself still remains - it is just now empty. Is this the best way to handle this use case? Is there a way to actually delete the annotation for that datapoint id? Web hook extensions seem to have a remove operation for a data point id. Is it possible to use that with a serverless function? Thanks!

Update Product News

Hello. I love the product news section https://rossum.ai/help/article-category/product_news/ which has been helpful in keeping up to date with improvements to Rossum. However, it hasn't been updated since February. Could you please update it with information about changes that have been made since then?

Getting HTTPError when the web-hook hit my .Net framework 4.5.2 Application

I had created a webhook for my docs when they got exported but I didn't get any hit on my application action for that instead i get HTTP error on Rossum web and I didn't get any details except 'HttpError' text

Multivalue Select within Line Item

Hello, It seems like it is not possible to use a multivalue select (one field that can select multiple values, as described at https://rossum.ai/help/article/capturing-fields-with-multiple-values-in-rossum/) within a grid. As such, what is the recommended alternative? I have a grid of line items, and each row may have multiple different ID values (generally between 0 - 3). If I want to capture these for each row, what's the best approach? Should I make different columns (id_1, id_2, and id_3)?