Built-in Checks Function

When processing invoices there is a number of built-in checks that can be shown to the users to make the data capture more effective. Rossum is already considering such built-in checks for automation.

To show such user messages in the validation screen you should:

  1. Create a custom function triggered on the annotation_content.user_update event action
  2. Save the function below
  3. Sideload "schemas" to the triggered hooks in order to get the label of the fields. Set the sideload attribute on hook object to ["schemas"].. This can now be done in the Rossum's extension detail UI, as shown on the image below.
  4. Assign the function to the necessary queue

Sideloading of the schemas.

Afterwards you can fine-tune the messages shown to the users according to your needs.

// The custom function below shows how to perform basic Built-in checks
// and show messages to the user if the checks are not fulfilled.

// This function example can be used for annotation_content events
// (e.g. user_update action). annotation_content events provide annotation
// content tree as the input.

// Main function returns the messages to be shown to the users.
// It is called by rossum_hook_request_handler when executing the function.
// @param {Object} annotationContent - the annotation content tree (see https://api.elis.rossum.ai/docs/#annotation-data)
// @param {Object} schemaContent - content of the schema listing individual fields defined in the schema.
// @returns {Array} - the list of messages to be shown to the use.
const main = (annotationContent, schemaContent) => {
  let messages = [];
  /* --- Amounts --- */

  // Total Amount == Total Base + Total Tax
  messages = totalAmountVsTotalBasePlusTotalTax(annotationContent, schemaContent, messages);

  /* --- Dates --- */

  // 0 <= (Date Due - Date Issue).days <= 120
  messages = dateDueMinusDateIssueMinMaxBoundary(annotationContent, schemaContent, messages);

  /* --- Tax details --- */

  // Tax Detail Tax = Tax Detail Base * Tax Detail Rate
  messages = taxDetailTaxVsTaxDetailBaseMultTaxDetailRate(annotationContent, schemaContent, messages);

  // Tax Detail Total = Tax Detail Base + Tax Detail Tax
  messages = taxDetailTotalVsTaxDetailBasePlusTaxDetailTax(content, schemaContent, messages);

  /* --- Line items --- */

  // Item Amount Total == Item Total Base + Item Tax 
  messages = itemAmountTotalVsItemAmountBasePlusItemTax(annotationContent, schemaContent, messages);

  // Item Total Base == Item Amount Base * Item Quantity
  messages = itemAmountTotalBaseVsItemAmountBaseMultItemQuantity(annotationContent, schemaContent, messages);

  // Item Amount Total == Item Amount * Item Quantity
  messages = itemAmountTotalVsItemAmountMultItemQuantity(annotationContent, schemaContent, messages);

  // Item Tax == Item Total Base * Item Rate 
  messages = itemTaxVsItemAmountBaseMultItemRate(annotationContent, schemaContent, messages);

  /* --- Amounts vs. Tax details --- */

  // 'Total Amount == SUM(Tax Detail Total)'
  messages = totalAmountVsTaxDetailTotal(annotationContent, schemaContent, messages);

  // 'Total Amount Base == SUM(Tax Detail Total Base)''
  messages = totalAmountBaseVsTaxDetailBase(annotationContent, schemaContent, messages);

  // 'Total Amount Tax == SUM(Tax Detail Tax)'
  messages = totalAmountTaxVsTaxDetailTax(annotationContent, schemaContent, messages);

  /* --- Amounts vs. Line items --- */

  // 'Total Amount == SUM(Item Amount Total)'
  messages = totalAmountVsLineItemsAmountTotal(annotationContent, schemaContent, messages);

  // 'Total Amount Base == SUM(Item Total Base)'
  messages = totalAmountBaseVsLineItemsAmountTotalBase(annotationContent, schemaContent, messages);

  // 'Total Amount Tax == SUM(Item Tax)'
  messages = totalAmountTaxVsLineItemsTax(annotationContent, schemaContent, messages);

  return messages;


/* --- Built-in Checks Functions ---- */

/* --- Amounts --- */

// Rule 'Total Amount == Total Base + Total Tax'
const totalAmountVsTotalBasePlusTotalTax = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  const newMessages = checkLeftSumEqualsRightSum(
    content = annotationContent,
    leftFieldsSchemaIds = ["amount_total"],
    rightFieldsSchemaIds = ["amount_total_base", "amount_total_tax"],
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'amount_total')} == ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'amount_total_base')} + ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'amount_total_tax')}' not fulfilled.`);

  return [


/* --- Dates --- */

// Rule '0 <= (Date Due - Date Issue).days <= 120'
const dateDueMinusDateIssueMinMaxBoundary = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  let upperBound = 120;
  let lowerBound = 0;

  const newMessages = checkRightMinusLeftWithinRange(
    content = annotationContent,
    leftFieldSchemaId = "date_due",
    rightFieldSchemaId = "date_issue",
    dataType = 'date',
    lowerBound = lowerBound,
    upperBound = upperBound,
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'date_due')} is not within ${upperBound} days after ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'date_issue')}.`);

  return [


/* --- Tax details --- */

// Rule 'Tax Detail Tax = Tax Detail Base * Tax Detail Rate' (we account a level of uncertainty if some values are rounded, etc.)
const taxDetailTaxVsTaxDetailBaseMultTaxDetailRate = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  const newMessages = checkLeftSumEqualsRightMultiplication(
    content = annotationContent,
    leftFieldsSchemaIds = ["tax_detail_tax"],
    rightFieldsSchemaIds = ["tax_detail_base", "tax_detail_rate"],
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `'${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'tax_detail_tax')} == ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'tax_detail_base')} * ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'tax_detail_rate')}' not fulfilled.`,

  return [


// Rule 'Tax Detail Total = Tax Detail Base + Tax Detail Tax' 
const taxDetailTotalVsTaxDetailBasePlusTaxDetailTax = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  const newMessages = checkLeftSumEqualsRightSum(
    content = annotationContent,
    leftFieldsSchemaIds = ["tax_detail_total"],
    rightFieldsSchemaIds = ["tax_detail_base", "tax_detail_tax"],
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `'${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'tax_detail_total')} == ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'tax_detail_base')} + ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'tax_detail_tax')}' not fulfilled.`);

  return [


/* --- Line items --- */

// Rule 'Item Amount Total == Item Total Base + Item Tax'
const itemAmountTotalVsItemAmountBasePlusItemTax = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  const newMessages = checkLeftSumEqualsRightSum(
    content = annotationContent,
    leftFieldsSchemaIds = ["item_amount_total"],
    rightFieldsSchemaIds = ["item_total_base", "item_tax"],
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `'${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_amount_total')} == ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_total_base')}  + ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_tax')}' not fulfilled.`);

  return [


// Rule 'Item Total Base == Item Amount Base * Item Quantity' (we account a level of uncertainty if some values are rounded, etc.)
const itemAmountTotalBaseVsItemAmountBaseMultItemQuantity = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  const newMessages = checkLeftSumEqualsRightMultiplication(
    content = annotationContent,
    leftFieldsSchemaIds = ["item_total_base"],
    rightFieldsSchemaIds = ["item_amount_base", "item_quantity"],
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `'${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_total_base')} == ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_amount_base')} * ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_quantity')}' not fulfilled.`,

  return [


// Rule 'Item Amount Total == Item Amount * Item Quantity' (we account a level of uncertainty if some values are rounded, etc.)
const itemAmountTotalVsItemAmountMultItemQuantity = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  const newMessages = checkLeftSumEqualsRightMultiplication(
    content = annotationContent,
    leftFieldsSchemaIds = ["item_amount_total"],
    rightFieldsSchemaIds = ["item_amount", "item_quantity"],
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `'${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_amount_total')} == ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_amount')} * ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_quantity')}' not fulfilled.`,

  return [


// Rule 'Item Tax == Item Total Base * Item Rate' (we account a level of uncertainty if some values are rounded, etc.)
const itemTaxVsItemAmountBaseMultItemRate = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  const newMessages = checkLeftSumEqualsRightMultiplication(
    content = annotationContent,
    leftFieldsSchemaIds = ["item_tax"],
    rightFieldsSchemaIds = ["item_total_base", "item_rate"],
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `'${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_tax')} == ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_total_base')} * ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_rate')}' not fulfilled.`,

  return [


/* --- Amounts vs. Tax details --- */

// Rule 'Total Amount == SUM(Tax Detail Total)'
const totalAmountVsTaxDetailTotal = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  const newMessages = checkHeaderFieldEqualsTableColumnSum(
    content = annotationContent,
    headerFieldSchemaId = "amount_total",
    tableColumnSchemaId = "tax_detail_total",
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `'${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'amount_total')} == SUM(Tax detail ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'tax_detail_total')})' not fulfiled.`);

  return [


// Rule 'Total Amount Base == SUM(Tax Detail Total Base)'
const totalAmountBaseVsTaxDetailBase = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  const newMessages = checkHeaderFieldEqualsTableColumnSum(
    content = annotationContent,
    headerFieldSchemaId = "amount_total_base",
    tableColumnSchemaId = "tax_detail_base",
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `'${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'amount_total_base')} == SUM(Tax detail ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'tax_detail_base')})' not fulfiled.`);

  return [


// Rule 'Total Amount Tax == SUM(Tax Detail Tax)
const totalAmountTaxVsTaxDetailTax = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  const newMessages = checkHeaderFieldEqualsTableColumnSum(
    content = annotationContent,
    headerFieldSchemaId = "amount_total_tax",
    tableColumnSchemaId = "tax_detail_tax",
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `'${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'amount_total_tax')} == SUM(Tax detail ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'tax_detail_tax')})' not fulfiled.`);

  return [


/* ---- Amounts vs. Line items ---- */

// Rule 'Total Amount == SUM(Item Total Amount)''
const totalAmountVsLineItemsAmountTotal = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  const newMessages = checkHeaderFieldEqualsTableColumnSum(
    content = annotationContent,
    headerFieldSchemaId = "amount_total",
    tableColumnSchemaId = "item_amount_total",
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `'${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'amount_total')} == SUM(Line item ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_amount_total')})' not fulfiled.`);

  return [


// Rule 'Total Amount Base == SUM(Item Total Base)'
const totalAmountBaseVsLineItemsAmountTotalBase = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  const newMessages = checkHeaderFieldEqualsTableColumnSum(
    content = annotationContent,
    headerFieldSchemaId = "amount_total_base",
    tableColumnSchemaId = "item_total_base",
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `'${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'amount_total_base')}  == SUM(Line item ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_total_base')})' not fulfiled.`);

  return [


// Rule 'Total Amount Tax == SUM(Item Tax)'
const totalAmountTaxVsLineItemsTax = (annotationContent, schemaContent, messages) => {

  const newMessages = checkHeaderFieldEqualsTableColumnSum(
    content = annotationContent,
    headerFieldSchemaId = "amount_total_tax",
    tableColumnSchemaId = "item_tax",
    messageType = "warning",
    messageContent = `'${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'amount_total_tax')} == SUM(Line item ${getLabelBySchemaId(schemaContent, 'item_tax')})' not fulfiled.`);

  return [



// The rossum_hook_request_handler is an obligatory main function that accepts
// input and produces output of the rossum serverless function hook. Currently,
// the only available programming language is Javascript executed on Node.js 12 environment.
// @param {Object} annotation - see https://api.elis.rossum.ai/docs/#annotation-content-event-data-format
// @param {Object} schemas - list of schemas that can be sideloaded. In most cases you would get only one schema.
// @returns {Object} - the messages and operations that update the annotation content

exports.rossum_hook_request_handler = ({
  annotation: {
  schemas: [
}) => {

    messages = main(content, schema.content);

    // Return messages and operations to be used to update current annotation data
    return {


// Return datapoints matching a schema id.
// @param {Object} content - the annotation content tree (see https://api.elis.rossum.ai/docs/#annotation-data)
// @param {string} schemaId - the field's ID as defined in the extraction schema(see https://api.elis.rossum.ai/docs/#document-schema)
// @returns {Array} - the list of datapoints matching the schema ID

const findBySchemaId = (content, schemaId) =>
    (results, dp) =>
    dp.schema_id === schemaId ? [...results, dp] :
    dp.children ? [...results, ...findBySchemaId(dp.children, schemaId)] :

// Create a message which will be shown to the user
// @param {number} datapointId - the id of the datapoint where the message will appear (null for "global" messages).
// @param {String} messageType - the type of the message, any of {info|warning|error}. Errors prevent confirmation in the UI.
// @param {String} messageContent - the message shown to the user
// @returns {Object} - the JSON message definition (see https://api.elis.rossum.ai/docs/#annotation-content-event-response-format)

const createMessage = (type, content, datapointId = null) => ({
  content: content,
  type: type,
  id: datapointId,

// Go over Extraction schema (https://api.elis.rossum.ai/docs/#document-schema) and find the field's definition based on its ID.
// @param {Object} content - schema content
// @param {String} schemaId - the ID of the field to be found
// @returns {Array} - array of found fields. [] if no field found. In most cases you would get a list with one dict specifying the field.
const getSchemaFieldById = (content, schemaId) => {
  // Handling simple multivalue
    return (getSchemaFieldById([content], schemaId))

  return content.reduce(
    (results, dp) =>
    dp.id === schemaId ? [...results, dp] :
    dp.children ? [...results, ...getSchemaFieldById(dp.children, schemaId)] :

// Get the Label of a field defined in Extraction schema by its ID.
// @param {Object} content - schema content
// @param {String} schemaId - the ID of the field to be found
// @returns {String} - the label of the field. null if not found.
const getLabelBySchemaId = (content, schemaId) => {
  const ret = getSchemaFieldById(content, schemaId);
  return ret.length == 0 ? null : ret[0].label;

// Take a list of schema IDs and say whether they are all defined in Extraction schema.
// @param {Object} content - schema content
// @param {String} schemaId - the ID of the field to be found
// @returns {Boolean} - True if some schema ID not found in Extraction schema.
const someSchemaIdsMissing = (content, schemaIds) => {
    const filtered = schemaIds.map(schemaId => getSchemaFieldById(content, schemaId)[0]).filter(x => (x != null && (x.hidden == null || (x.hidden != null && x.hidden == false))));
    return filtered.length != schemaIds.length;
    return true

// Check '[Field A + Field B + Field C + ...] == [Field D * Field E * ...]'
// @param {Object} content - the annotation content tree (see https://api.elis.rossum.ai/docs/#annotation-data)
// @param {Object} schemaContent - content of the schema listing individual fields defined in the schema.
// @param {Array} leftFieldsSchemaIds - Schema IDs of the left expression.
// @param {Array} rightFieldsSchemaIds - Schema IDs of the right expression.
// @param {String} messageType - type of the message (info|warning|error).
// @param {String} messageContent - the content of the message to be shown to the user.
// @param {Number} epsilon - account some level of deviation.
// @returns {Array} - list of messages to be shown to the user. 

const checkLeftSumEqualsRightMultiplication = (content, schemaContent, leftFieldsSchemaIds, rightFieldsSchemaIds, messageType, messageContent, epsilon=0) => {

  if(someSchemaIdsMissing(schemaContent, leftFieldsSchemaIds.concat(rightFieldsSchemaIds))){
    return [];

  // Get the datapoints of the given leftFieldsSchemaIds
  // [[[Field A - 1],[ Field A - 2]], [[Field B - 1], [Field B - 2]], [[Field C -1][Field C - 2]] ]
  const leftFieldsDatapoints = leftFieldsSchemaIds.map(schemaId => findBySchemaId(content, schemaId));
  const rightFieldsDatapoints = rightFieldsSchemaIds.map(schemaId => findBySchemaId(content, schemaId));

  let newMessages = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < leftFieldsDatapoints[0].length; i++) {
    // Select N-th value for all the fields
    const leftExpression = leftFieldsDatapoints.map(d => d[i]).reduce(function(sum, datapoint) {
      return sum + parseFloat(datapoint.content.normalized_value)
    }, 0);

    const rightExpression = rightFieldsDatapoints.map(d => d[i]).reduce(function(multiple, datapoint) {
      return datapoint.schema_id.includes('_rate') ? multiple * parseFloat(datapoint.content.normalized_value) / 100 : multiple * parseFloat(datapoint.content.normalized_value)
    }, 1);

    if (leftExpression && rightExpression && Math.abs(leftExpression - rightExpression).toFixed(2) > epsilon) {

        const _newMessages = [

          ...leftFieldsDatapoints.map(fieldDatapoints => fieldDatapoints[i]).map(datapoint => createMessage(messageType, messageContent, datapoint.id)),
          ...rightFieldsDatapoints.map(fieldDatapoints => fieldDatapoints[i]).map(datapoint => createMessage(messageType, messageContent, datapoint.id))


        newMessages = [


  return newMessages;


// Check '[Field A + Field B + Field C + ...] == [Field D + Field E + ...]'
// @param {Object} content - the annotation content tree (see https://api.elis.rossum.ai/docs/#annotation-data)
// @param {Object} schemaContent - content of the schema listing individual fields defined in the schema.
// @param {Array} leftFieldsSchemaIds - Schema IDs of the left expression.
// @param {Array} rightFieldsSchemaIds - Schema IDs of the right expression.
// @param {String} messageType - type of the message (info|warning|error).
// @param {String} messageContent - the content of the message to be shown to the user.
// @param {Number} epsilon - account some level of deviation.
// @returns {Array} - list of messages to be shown to the user. 

const checkLeftSumEqualsRightSum = (content, schemaContent, leftFieldsSchemaIds, rightFieldsSchemaIds, messageType, messageContent, epsilon=0) => {
  if(someSchemaIdsMissing(schemaContent, leftFieldsSchemaIds.concat(rightFieldsSchemaIds))){
    return [];

  // Get the datapoints of the given leftFieldsSchemaIds
  // [[[Field A - 1],[ Field A - 2]], [[Field B - 1], [Field B - 2]], [[Field C -1][Field C - 2]] ]
  const leftFieldsDatapoints = leftFieldsSchemaIds.map(schemaId => findBySchemaId(content, schemaId));
  const rightFieldsDatapoints = rightFieldsSchemaIds.map(schemaId => findBySchemaId(content, schemaId));

  let newMessages = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < leftFieldsDatapoints[0].length; i++) {
    // Select N-th value for all the fields
    const leftExpression = leftFieldsDatapoints.map(d => d[i]).reduce(function(sum, datapoint) {
      return sum + parseFloat(datapoint.content.normalized_value)
    }, 0);

    const rightExpression = rightFieldsDatapoints.map(d => d[i]).reduce(function(sum, datapoint) {
      return sum + parseFloat(datapoint.content.normalized_value)
    }, 0);

    if (leftExpression && rightExpression && Math.abs(leftExpression - rightExpression).toFixed(2) > epsilon) {

        const _newMessages = [

          ...leftFieldsDatapoints.map(fieldDatapoints => fieldDatapoints[i]).map(datapoint => createMessage(messageType, messageContent, datapoint.id)),
          ...rightFieldsDatapoints.map(fieldDatapoints => fieldDatapoints[i]).map(datapoint => createMessage(messageType, messageContent, datapoint.id))


        newMessages = [


  return newMessages;


// Check 'Header Field = SUM(Column Field)'
// @param {Object} content - the annotation content tree (see https://api.elis.rossum.ai/docs/#annotation-data)
// @param {Object} schemaContent - content of the schema listing individual fields defined in the schema.
// @param {String} headerFieldSchemaId - Schema ID of the header field.
// @param {String} tableColumnSchemaId - Schema ID of the column field.
// @param {String} messageType - type of the message (info|warning|error).
// @param {String} messageContent - the content of the message to be shown to the user.
// @param {Number} epsilon - account some level of deviation.
// @returns {Array} - list of messages to be shown to the user. 

const checkHeaderFieldEqualsTableColumnSum = (content, schemaContent, headerFieldSchemaId, tableColumnSchemaId, messageType, messageContent, epsilon=0) => {

  if(someSchemaIdsMissing(schemaContent, [headerFieldSchemaId, tableColumnSchemaId])){
    return [];

  // Get header field datapoint
  const [headerFieldDatapoint] = findBySchemaId(

  // List of all datapoints belonging to the column ID
  const tableColumnDatapoints = findBySchemaId(

  const headerFieldValue = parseFloat(headerFieldDatapoint.content.normalized_value);

  let newMessages = [];

  if (headerFieldValue && (tableColumnDatapoints.length > 0)) {

    // Sum the values of the column
    const tableColumnSum = tableColumnDatapoints.reduce(function(sum, datapoint) {
      return sum + parseFloat(datapoint.content.normalized_value)
    }, 0);

    if (!Number.isNaN(tableColumnSum) && Math.abs(headerFieldValue - tableColumnSum).toFixed(2) > epsilon) {

      // TODO: Show message in the column fields //

  return newMessages;


// Check 'lowerBound <= (Left Fields - Right Fields) <= upperBound'
// @param {Object} content - the annotation content tree (see https://api.elis.rossum.ai/docs/#annotation-data)
// @param {Object} schemaContent - content of the schema listing individual fields defined in the schema.
// @param {String} leftFieldSchemaId - Schema ID of the left field.
// @param {String} rightFieldSchemaId - Schema ID of the right field.
// @param {String} dataType - Datatype of the values (date|number)
// @param {Number} lowerBound - lower bound of the expression.
// @param {Number} upperBound - upper bound of the expression.
// @param {String} messageType - type of the message (info|warning|error).
// @param {String} messageContent - the content of the message to be shown to the user.
// @returns {Array} - list of messages to be shown to the user. 

const checkRightMinusLeftWithinRange = (content, schemaContent, leftFieldSchemaId, rightFieldSchemaId, dataType, lowerBound, upperBound, messageType, messageContent) => {

  if(someSchemaIdsMissing(schemaContent, [leftFieldSchemaId, rightFieldSchemaId])){
    return [];

  // Get a list of datapoints with the given schemaId
  const leftDatapoints = findBySchemaId(content, leftFieldSchemaId);
  const rightDatapoints = findBySchemaId(content, rightFieldSchemaId);

  let newMessages = [];

  // Loop over the values in case the schemaId contains multiple values (fields in line items ~ multivalue tuples)
  for (var i = 0; i < leftDatapoints.length; i++) {

    // Skip empty fields
    if (leftDatapoints[i].content.normalized_value == null || rightDatapoints[i].content.normalized_value == null) {

    if (dataType == "date") {
      [year, month, day] = leftDatapoints[i].content.normalized_value.split("-");

      const leftDate = new Date(year = year, month = month, day = day);

      [year, month, day] = rightDatapoints[i].content.normalized_value.split("-");

      const rightDate = new Date(year = year, month = month, day = day);

      if (leftDate != null && rightDate != null) {

        const datesDiffInDays = (leftDate - rightDate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
        if (datesDiffInDays > upperBound || datesDiffInDays < lowerBound) {

          const _newMessages = [

            ...leftDatapoints.map(datapoint => createMessage(messageType, messageContent, datapoint.id)),
            ...rightDatapoints.map(datapoint => createMessage(messageType, messageContent, datapoint.id))


          newMessages = [




  return newMessages;
