Duplicate Handling Technical Documentation

Detailed documentation of the duplicate handling extension configuration options.

It is possible to define a list of configurations. All of them are encapsulated in the configurations attribute:

  "configurations": [  

Configuration parameters

Each configuration can use the following attributes.

queueslistfalseIDs of queues where the duplicate detection should be performed. You can assign the extension to multiple queues and specify numerous actions for different queues in one instance.

If not present, the duplicate detection will be performed on all the queues to which the extension is assigned unless excluded_queues is set.
excluded_queueslistfalseIDs of queues where the duplicate detection won't be performed. This parameter cannot be set along with thequeue_ids.
trigger_eventslistfalseList of Rossum events that trigger this configuration. Corresponds to selected hook events.

If not specified, the duplicate detection will be performed for all allowed trigger_events.

Possible values:

- annotation_status
- annotation_content
trigger_actionslistfalseList of Rossum actions that trigger this configuration. Corresponds to selected hook actions.

If not specified, the duplicate detection will be performed for all actions relevant for a selected trigger_event.

Possible values:

- changed
- initialize
- updated
- started
- confirm
- export
- user_update
statuseslistfalseList of annotation status-couples in the format {previous status}.{current status} or {previous status}->{current status} defining when the processing of logic should start.

If not present, duplicate detection will be performed for all allowed status changes.
logiclisttrueList of logic objects. More details are in the section below.

Logic parameters

Detailed specification of the logic object attributes.

AttributeTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
ruleslistfalse[]List of rules based on which the duplicates will be detected. More details are in the section below.
scopeobjectfalseThe scope of the duplicate detection logic is where the extension will look for duplicates. The section below provides more details.

If not specified, the default scope will be used.
timestampobjectfalse{}How long in the past the extension should look for duplicates. More details are in the section below.
matching_flowlistfalseDefinition of how to combine duplicates detected by individual rules. It can be a list of IDs or logical and operations between rule ids.

Individual list elements behave like logical or operations.
search_queryobjectfalse[Beta] Alternatively, you can also define a search_query instead of the combination of rules, matching_flow, scope and timestamp. More details are in the section below.

If defined, such configuration will be preferred.
actionslisttrueList of actions to be performed if duplicates were detected.

Rule parameters

Detailed specification of the rule object attributes.

idinttrueID of the rule object. This can be referred to in the matching_flow field. IDs must be unique.
attributeenumtrueType of the rule.

Possible values:

- field
- relation
- filename
field_schema_idstringRequired for field rule. The schema_id of the field that should be used to compare for duplicates.

Scope parameters

Detailed specification of the scope object attributes.

AttributeTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
objectenumfalsequeueScope, where the extension should look for duplicates.

It is recommended to use thequeue scope and define as few queues as possible. Detecting duplicates in the whole workspace or organization can be very expensive.

Possible values:

- queue
- workspace
- organization
idslistfalseThe object's IDs (queue/workspace) should be considered during detection.

Default is the context of the incoming annotation.
statuseslistfalseThe statuses of annotations that should be considered during detection. Default is all.

Possible values:

- created
- importing
- failed_import
- split
- to_review
- reviewing
- in_workflow
- confirmed
- rejected
- exporting
- exported
- failed_export
- postponed
- deleted
- purged

Timestamp parameters

Detailed specification of the timestamp object attributes. If not specified, it searches without any limit.

actionenumfalseWhat annotation date condition should be considered when checking the timespan.

Possible values:

- arrived_at_before
- arrived_at_after
- assigned_at_before
- assigned_at_after
- confirmed_at_before
- confirmed_at_after
- modified_at_before
- modified_at_after
- exported_at_before
- exported_at_after
timespanintfalseThe time span in days for the selected date condition

Search query parameters

[Beta] Search query for the duplicate detection. Uses more powerful searching based on the /search endpoint.

If this object is defined, it will be preferred for duplicate detection. matching_flow, rules, scope and timestamp objects will be ignored.

It is possible to reference some various values using the following syntax easily:

  • annotation and document object attributes using the dot . notation: {annotation.queue} or {document.created_at}
  • datapoint values using the @ operator: @{invoice_id}
  • datetime features
AttributeTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
queryobjectfalse{}A subset of MongoDB Query Language. See Rossum api docs for specifics and more details.
query_stringobjectfalse{}Object with configuration for full-text search. See Rossum api docs for specifics and more details.

Actions parameters

All actions have one common required attribute - type - specifying the type of action that will be performed. Other attributes vary based on the type. Possible action types:

  • apply_label
  • fill_field
  • forward_annotation
  • mark_duplicate
  • show_message
  • stop_automation

Apply label action

Apply a label to the annotation that triggered the hook.

typeenumtrueThe type of action that should be performed. Possible value: apply_label.
labelstringtruename of the label that should be applied

Fill field action

Fill a field with a defined value.

The following placeholders can be used in the value_to_fill attribute:

  • duplicate_ids - list of IDs of detected duplicate annotations
  • now - current datetime object. Additional operations can follow.
  • timedelta - timedelta object. Allows for operations like + or -together with now.
  • annotation - nested object containing attributes of the annotation that triggered the hook.
  • %ANNOTATION_ID% - expression to fill list of detected duplicates

Example: Detected {duplicate_ids | length} duplicates.<br> Date of detection: {now.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')}.

Detailed specification of the fill_field action attributes:

AttributeTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
typestringtrueThe type of action that should be performed. Possible value: fill_field
fill_only_if_emptyboolfalsefalseIf true, the field will only be filled if it was originally empty.
field_to_fillstringtrueThe schema ID of the datapoint in Rossum schema to fill with custom value if duplicate is detected.
value_to_fillstringtrueThe custom value to be filled to the datapoint in field_to_fill. Various placeholders can be used to create the value.

Forward annotation action

Forward the annotation to a different queue and/or different status.

Detailed specification of the forward_annotation action attributes:

typestringtrue The type of action that should be performed. Possible value: forward_annotation
target_queueintfalseID of the target queue where the duplicate annotation should be placed.

If not specified, the current annotation queue will be used.
target_statusstringfalseThe target status of the annotation after it is forwarded to another queue. By default, the status is kept the same.

If not specified, the current annotation status will be used.

Mark duplicate action

Create a new relation object. Ignored if the relation already exists.

typestringtrueThe type of action that should be performed. Possible value: mark_duplicate

Show message action

Show a message to the user in the UI. The type and content of the message can be customized.

Following placeholders can be used in the `message`` attribute:

  • duplicate_ids - list of IDs of detected duplicate annotations
  • now - current datetime object. Additional operations can follow.
  • timedelta - timedelta object. Allows for operations like + or -together with now.
  • annotation - nested object containing attributes of the annotation that triggered the hook.
  • %ANNOTATION_ID% - expression to fill list of detected duplicates

Detailed specification of the show_message action attributes:

AttributeTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
typestringtrueThe type of action that should be performed. Possible value: show_message
messagestringtrueContent of the message that will be displayed. Various placeholders can be used to create the message.
message_typeenumfalseinfoPossible values:

- error
- info
- warning

Stop automation action

Stop the automation by returning an error message. Only applicable for annotation_content.initialize event.

typestringtrueThe type of action that should be performed. Possible value: stop_automation

Configuration examples

Simple detection with error message as an action

This configuration is triggered only on theinitialize, started or updated actions of annotation_content event. It will detect duplicates based on theinvoice_id field. If any other annotation in the same queue has the same invoice_id, an error will be shown in the annotation screen.

    "configurations": [
            "trigger_events": ["annotation_content"],
            "trigger_actions": ["initialize", "started", "updated"],
            "logic": [
                    "rules": [
                            "attribute": "field",
                            "field_schema_id": "invoice_id"
                    "actions": [
                            "type": "show_message",
                            "message_type": "error",
                            "message": "Detected {duplicate_ids | length} duplicates"

Complex detection logic with multiple actions

This configuration is triggered only on thechanged action of annotation_status event and only if the status is changed from importing to to_review or from to_review to postponed.

It will detect duplicates based on a combination of several rules. The detection will be scoped on the queue with ID 12345 and only annotations in selected statuses will be considered. The detection will also search only among annotations that arrived at Rossum in the last 60 days. If duplicates are detected, multiple actions will be performed in the order defined in the configuration.

    "configurations": [
            "trigger_events": ["annotation_status"],
            "trigger_actions": ["changed"],
            "statuses": ["importing->to_review", "to_review->postponed"],
            "logic": [
                    "matching_flow": ["1and2and3", "4"],
                    "rules": [
                            "id": 1,
                            "attribute": "field",
                            "field_schema_id": "invoice_id"
                            "id": 2,
                            "attribute": "field",
                            "field_schema_id": "sender_name"
                            "id": 3,
                            "attribute": "filename"
                            "id": 4,
                            "attribute": "relation"
                    "scope": {
                        "object": "queue",
                        "ids": [12345],
                        "statuses": ["confirmed", "exported", "deleted"]
                    "timestamp": {
                        "action": "arrived_at_after",
                        "timespan": 60
                    "actions": [
                            "type": "fill_field",
                            "field_to_fill": "duplicate",
                            "value_to_fill": "Duplicate of %ANNOTATION_ID%"
                            "type": "forward_annotation",
                            "target_queue": 123456,
                            "target_status": "postponed"
                            "type": "mark_duplicate",
                            "message": "Marked as duplicate"
                            "type": "show_message",
                            "message_type": "error",
                            "message": "Detected {duplicate_ids | length} duplicates"

Detection based on Search Query

Such configuration is triggered only on theinitialize, started or updated actions of the annotation_content event. It will detect duplicates based on theinvoice_id field among annotations in the same queue and created in the last 200 days ({(now - timedelta(days=200)).isoformat()}).

    "configurations": [
            "trigger_events": ["annotation_content"],
            "trigger_actions": ["initialize", "started", "updated"],
            "logic": [
                    "search_query": {
                        "query": {
                            "$and": [
                                    "field.invoice_id.string": {
                                        "$eq": "@{invoice_id}"
                                    "queue": {
                                        "$in": ["{annotation.queue}"]
                                    "created_at": {
                                        "$gt": "{(now - timedelta(days=200)).isoformat()}"
                    "actions": [
                            "type": "show_message",
                            "message_type": "error",
                            "message": "Duplicates detected: %ANNOTATION_ID%"